Semester Exams 2018
shareSome reminders
Exam schedules are determined by the administration; the exam dates are posted in advance. Students should plan to be at school each day during exam dates. Students will not be permitted to take an exam at an alternate time. Students who miss an exam time are subject to earning a zero on the exams missed.
Students must be on time for all study halls and exams. Students must attend the study hall before the exam. Failure to show up for study halls and exams without a Doctor’s note qualifies as a 0% on the exam. Students must stay in the classroom until the exam period is over—even if they finish the exam early.
If a student does not have an exam and study hall during a time slot (example: 8th grade Tuesday 7:55-10:00 or 6th-7th grade 11:00-12:30), he does not need to be at school. . . but he must be on time for the next study hall/exam time that pertains to him. We will have supervision for those whose parents cannot drop off late or pick up early.
A 0% exam grade will be recorded if tuition payments are not up to date.
STUDENTS (9th-12th) MUST HAVE COMPLETED AND TURNED IN THEIR CHRISTIAN SERVICE HOURS TO RECEIVE THEIR BIBLE EXAM GRADE. The hours need to be turned in before the Bible exam is given. We have reminded students constantly. The Bible exam is 70% Bible material and 30% Christian Service Hours and will not be adjusted at a later time. Christian service hours are turned in to Mr. McClain.
*There is a $7.00 charge for ALL middle and high school students for Dec 17. It pays for rink rental, skates, 2 hours of skating, pizza and drink. Price is the same whether the student skates or not.