

HONORS SPANISH 3 (Bob Jones Press)
Students further develop their mastery of vocabulary, oral communication skills, and grammatical structure with a special focus on verb forms. Students are presented with information related to geography and customs as well as Bible stories. Students learn how to use subjunctive case and imperatives in narration.

Membership in the FCS Advanced Band begins in the 9th grade but sometimes includes gifted 8th grade students.  The purpose of the class is to provide an outlet for the very best wind and percussion players in the school.  Every effort is made to advance the group to the highest-grade level of music within the scope of the available instrumentation and size.  Students are encouraged to audition for NCCSA all-state band, CDBA all-district band, and other collegiate band clinics, as opportunities arise.  The students are required to play at least six of the major scales and demonstrate a high-school level of competency in sight-reading and intonation.  The band participates in solo and ensembles, as well as group competition.

Membership in the FCS High School Choir begins in the 9th grade.  Students are instructed in vocal technique, breathing, ear training, and reading music.  The course of study includes a Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, NCCSA competition, and other performance opportunities when they arise, i.e. the State Capitol Christmas Sing, the NC Governor’s Mansion Christmas open house, etc.  The choir performs SATB music both with accompaniment and a cappella.  The literature includes spirituals, semi-classical works, folk songs, and sacred works.  Every second year the choir performs a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta.

The purpose of the advanced physical education class is to develop the athletes in the school to their fullest potential.  It is a weight training based class with the emphasis on building functional strength and injury prevention.  The students are also involved in plyometric, agility, and quickness drills.  The class uses the Bigger, Faster, Stronger program and individualized programs.

In art the student is taught to draw things as they are realistically seen.  Reproduction using proper perspective, dimension, and proportion is a constant. The course is based on the ability to draw as one sees while applying the fundamental rules of the craft through basic mediums, techniques, the uses of marks and tones. Art class can be enjoyed regardless of whether one uses this “constantly refined talent” for enjoyment, capturing aesthetic beauty, or the prospect of a future career. An honest self examination for motive, combined with continual practice, will encourage the individual to grow in the timeless act of drawing. The students will submit their finest work for competition in the State Fine Arts Festival.

Members of the yearbook staff receive a variety of opportunities to exercise their creativity, including photography, page design, and article writing. The students will learn to create original, unified presentations as they plan and incorporate the yearbook theme. The staff members will also become familiar with digital design programs as the entire yearbook is designed online.