Ministry Board
Pastor Bob Vradenburgh is the Ministry Board President. He has served as President since January 2001. He has had four children graduate from FCS. His wife Rachel was part of the first graduating class of 1980. His responsibility includes chairing all ministry board meetings.
Mr. McClain is the Head of School. He has served as Head of School since July 2021. He is in charge of arranging the FCS agenda for all meetings.
It is also important to note that we involve our parents in the process. We conduct a bi-annual survey on our entire program and then a bi-annual survey on just the spiritual portion of our program. We also involve a group of 30 individuals from 20 different churches to help us develop ideas for our five-year plans. We are a board-run school with a lot of parent involvement.
The ministry board’s functions are recorded in FBC Bylaw 7.04.01. As it directly relates to the ministry board, the bylaw states “they shall, in cooperation with the Pastor, approve ministry budgets and disburse funds in compliance with these Bylaws, and applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. They shall, in cooperation with the Pastor, provide for ministry policies related to various operations of the church, and approve the hiring, retention, or dismissal of full-time ministry employees.”