Financial Aid

Q: Who is eligible to apply for financial aid?

Any family that has applied to or is registered at FCS can apply for financial aid. FCS believes that Christian education should be available to all families regardless of social or economic status. The purpose of the FCS Financial Aid Program is to assist families who demonstrate a need for financial aid. If you as a family feel you cannot afford the tuition, then please apply.


Friendship Christian School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policy, financial aid policy; athletic and other school administered programs.

Q: Who processes my application for financial aid and is it kept confidential?

FCS uses the services of FACTS, a third-party reviewer, to assist with the confidential financial aid data collection process. FACTS will send a recommendation to FCS. A financial committee made up of the school administrator, business manager and two school board members review the recommendation, the situational letter and the church recommendation form. All information is kept confidential.

Q: Is financial aid based upon my family’s income alone?

The FACTS application considers other factors such as: charitable contributions, reasonable living expenses and the number of children to be enrolled at FCS.

FCS also requires every family to submit a situational letter. Parents will submit a letter explaining the situation that causes them to apply for financial aid, including specific hardships and financial difficulties (for example: loss of income, loss of job, unexpected financial hardships or sudden medical expenses). The letter should also include specific strategies the family has employed to afford tuition (for example: eliminated family vacations, cut family activities, or sold assets.) This letter is a most critical piece of information in determining the financial aid award.

The family and the student (if in grades 7-12) must sign a statement that both the family and student are in regular attendance and in good standing at a local church. A form can be received from the school office.

Q: I still do not know if I will qualify? And how much will my family receive anyhow?

It is impossible to answer this question without completing the FACTS application. Each family has a different set of circumstances that will enter into the final decision. We STRONGLY encourage anyone who believes that they cannot fully afford the tuition to apply.

Q: I have multiple children. What should I do?

All children are considered on one application. Normally the amount of financial aid (if you qualify) will increase with the combined tuition costs considered. It does not take into consideration the tuition of another child enrolled at a different private school.

Q: Our family is a split family; whose information is required?

In cases where the applicant is divorced, the assets of both parents will be considered if the parents have joint custody. If the custodial parent has remarried, the assets of the step-parent will be included in the review. If someone else is financially responsible for the student, that person must complete the aid form and explain his/her relationship to the student. You may note any special circumstances in your situational letter.

Q: What does the financial aid cover?

Financial aid is only available for tuition purposes. It does not cover any extra required or optional (aftercare/summer camp) fees. ALL fees are listed on our Financial Tuition Sheet.

You may include in your situational letter the extra expenses of the aftercare/summer camp program or if your child will be enrolled in the Focus Learning Center, an extra resource class or the curriculum assistance class.

Q: Well, I think I am ready, so now what?

For starters, you must go through the application process to attend FCS. Your child(ren) needs to be accepted at FCS first. There is a time commitment on the school’s part to go through the financial aid application process. We need to know that you are serious about wanting your child to attend FCS.

You will not have to enroll though to go through the financial aid process. Once you have been notified of the status of your financial aid application, you will have two weeks to enroll or the financial aid offer will be withdrawn.

Q: What is the cost for me to go through this process?

The application process for FCS is $95 per child and is completed online. FACTS charges a financial aid application set up fee of less than $40. You will pay them directly online or via check if you submit a paper application.


You may start the admissions process for FCS immediately online.

You may start the Financial Aid process with FACTS immediately online. It will not be considered though until you have been accepted as a FCS student.

You need to send your situational letter to Mr. McClain Please put your family name and situational letter in the subject line (for example, “McClain situational letter”).

You need to request the church form from Mrs. Bovard.

Please remember, your financial aid package cannot be processed until you have gone through the FCS application process and until all required FACTS information, the situational letter and the church form have been received by FCS.