Congratulations FCS Fine Arts Students!
shareNC Bandmasters Association Symphonic Band:
Daniel Elston will be representing Friendship Christian at the Central District (NC Bandmasters Association) All-District Band Clinic.
Daniel competed against nearly 60 middle school trombone players from public and private schools in a district composed of 13 counties (including Wake, Durham, Orange and Guilford) in the middle of NC. Daniel came in third place overall and will be in the Symphonic Band. Only 18 students were selected to participate in either Symphonic Band or Concert Band. His score was also high enough to allow him to compete for a spot in the NCBA All-State Honors Band which will include students from the entire state of NC. Only the top three trombone students in each of six districts qualifies to try out for the Honors Band.
Daniel will attend rehearsals at Millbrook High School for two days and will perform a concert with the All-District Bands on February 1.
Sr. High Poetry and Essay Winners
Edie Osborne and Sarah Oakley will be representing FCS in the NCCSA Fine Arts Competition in March. Edie’s essay “Seeing is Believing ” and Sarah’s poem “Saying Goodbye” have been sent to the state fine arts office for judging. State winners will be announced at the fine arts competition in March.