An Easter Morning
shareEaster morning. I close my eyes and imagine as the women make their way to that tomb. Peaceful. Calm. Quiet is highlighted by the songs of birds. The cool evening air is being chased away by the rising sun. So very quiet. Their footsteps crunching on the gravel path.
I love mornings like that. These mornings are always even more enjoyable after storms of chaos, noise, and grief pass. As I imagine that peaceful morning, it stands in stark contrast to the uproar of three days earlier. Jesus’ arrest, trial, and torture ending in a brutal crucifixion. The screaming crowd ~ “Crucify Him!” ~ “Give us Barabbas!”. The moment of His death. I picture the chaos and fear as the sky turns black, an earthquake rips open the ground, God, Himself, tearing the temple veil, graves opening, and dead saints strolling into the city. It’s hard to imagine the feeling except to say terrifying.
The screaming crowd ~ “Crucify Him!” ~ “Give us Barabbas!”. The moment of His death.
Feelings of despondency, anger, hopelessness, and confusion displace the chaos. Over the next three days, life goes back to . . . well, not normal, but calmer than THAT day had been. I don’t know what the soldiers guarding the tomb experienced, but that morning seems to have been a calm one for everyone else. The rest of the world was just carrying on.
In that calm and quiet, while most slept, all of history shifted. No one awoke. No one felt anything different, but nothing would ever be the same. In that moment, on that morning, sin and death which had seemingly conquered all and won the battle for man’s soul, let out a gasp and died with a whimper. While their effects would continue to destroy, they would no longer hold sway.
Much like His birth, the resurrection seemingly took place over a quiet, peaceful evening. No fanfare. No chaos. Just the gentle grip of God’s love reaching into the lives of broken men. Whenever I get to enjoy the peace of a quiet morning, I always think about that morning. The morning. There would never be another morning that momentous.
Not until the morning after Jesus returns. After He walks into Jerusalem and assumes His rightful place as Lord and Savior on the throne to rule this world in glory and majesty, that next morning will be even greater. All will be right. As it was always meant to be. True peace. Lasting calm. Never to be broken again.
Do you know His peace? Do you have calm in your soul even when storms are raging? If not, this is the time to come to Christ. Surrender your will. Accept Him as your Lord and Savior and find peace. You won’t find it anywhere else.