Final Exam Schedule 2023
shareAs we look to the end of the school year, the promise of summer break is within reach! For those planning ahead, click here to read the Final Exam Schedule for this year. Exams will be held on Friday, May 26, and Tuesday and Wednesday, May 30-31. Monday, May 29, is Memorial Day, and we will not have school.
Here are a few reminders about final exams:
- Students may be exempt from an exam if their average and attendance allow. Each teacher will notify their students of exemption statuses a week prior to their exam. It is too early for them to give you that information now, so please wait until closer to exam week.
- All exams are to be taken on the day that they are scheduled. Exams not taken at the scheduled time are subject to receiving a zero.
- Students only need to be on campus for their exam times. If a student only needs to take the first exam of the day, they may leave after that exam period is finished. Students who only have an exam during the second exam time period may arrive after the usual start of school to be present only for that exam.
- Students may not leave the classroom until the exam period is over even if they finish their exam early.
- Students who must come to school but do not have an exam (i.e. doesn’t drive yet, drives a younger sibling, etc.) will go to C11.
- The middle and high school day will end at 11:15. There will be no classes or review periods in the afternoon. Students who cannot be picked up by 11:15 will go to C17 until the end of the school day.
- Christian Service hours must be turned in by the end of the school day on Wednesday, May 24. Students who do not turn in their service hours will be required to take their Bible exam, regardless of their average or absences. They will also have 30% deducted from their final exam average.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Ellen Olson, Academic Principal, for further details at