Academic Success Center

Discover more! Download our 2024-2025 SLC brochure for an in-depth overview of our programs.

The Academic Success Center (ASC) is designed to assist students who have a documented learning disability, ADHD, or a processing deficit.  While these students have the potential to learn, they may struggle to reach their potential in a regular classroom.  This program supplements and reinforces classroom instruction for students who are enrolled in the ASC.

The goal of the program is to encourage students who may have become frustrated with learning by helping them realize their true potential.  We do this by recognizing their strengths and giving them the tools they need to gain success in areas of weakness.  Students are carefully nurtured and encouraged, but also challenged to develop strong study and work habits.


Remedial Reading is offered to students who are currently not reading on grade level. The goal is to help elementary students gain confidence in reading fluency and comprehension through systematic teaching of phonics and decoding skills.

3rd through 8th grades:

Small group resource classes are available for students who would benefit from a small group environment with a teacher who specializes in teaching students with learning disabilities, ADHD, and processing deficits.  Classes offered are Resource Math and Resource English.  These take place at the same time as the regularly scheduled grade level classes in those subjects.  Students are assessed and grouped according to ability.

6th through 12th grades:

Tutorial Study Hall is available to students who can keep up in the regular classroom but need daily assistance with study skills, organization, additional time for test-taking, and occasional re-teaching of material.  Middle school students who are enrolled in English or Math Resource classes may enroll in Tutorial Study Hall also for assistance with their other courses.

After a child has been approved and scheduled for the Academic Success Center, the cost of the program will be added to the student’s annual tuition and distributed according to the desired payment plan.

Only students who are enrolled in either a resource class and/or Tutorial Study Hall are eligible for an Individualized Student Plan (ISP), generated by the school. This ISP is an analysis and summary of the student’s strengths and weaknesses, based on testing done by a licensed psychologist and the yearly testing done by the ASC teachers. The ISP team (regular classroom teacher, ASC teacher, and parents) would discuss and agree upon any necessary accommodations and modifications for all regular classes that the student takes.

Students who are not enrolled in one or more ASC resource classes will not be given an ISP, and therefore will not have special modifications.

Based on the courses that are successfully completed, these students (9th-12th grade) would be eligible for either a General Course of Study or a College Prep Course of Study.