School Visitor/Volunteer

Friendship Christian School  desires to be a safe place for our students and staff.  For the safety and protection of our students and staff, all people who participate in school-sponsored activities with children are required to comply with specific guidelines established by our ministry.

If you are coming to FCS campus to visit the classroom or enjoy lunch with your child, or if you are planning to attend, chaperone/volunteer for any class field trips, remember to check in at the school office first to sign in with our LobbyGuard system. After a quick sign in (current, valid driver’s license highly recommended) you will be issued a visitor pass which you will need to display on your clothing during your visit. When your visit is over, just stop by the school office and sign out with that same visitor pass.

You have entrusted your precious children to our care. We take this responsibility seriously.

We appreciate your faithful service and your willingness to help us ensure the highest quality and safest ministry possible for our students.