MS & HS End of the Year Information

An Easter Morning

Easter morning.  I close my eyes and imagine as the women make their way to that tomb.  Peaceful.  Calm. Quiet is highlighted by the songs of birds.  The cool evening air is being chased away by the rising sun.  So very quiet.  Their footsteps crunching on the gravel path.   I love mornings like that.  These […]

First Annual Spelling Bee

That moment when you spell a word so wrong even auto-correct is like, “I’ve got nothing man!”   This was not the case during the recent FCS Elementary Spelling Bee. Our elementary Falcons were each given “age-appropriate” spelling words to work on as a class and individuals. Over the following weeks, various mini-bees took place across […]

Summer Camp 2022

As the fourth quarter begins, it is an exciting reality that summer is quickly approaching. We would urge you to consider Friendship Summer Camp for any of your childcare needs while school is not in session. The available dates are June 13 – August 5 This camp provides an exciting environment full of creative opportunities, arts and crafts projects, and […]

Middle School Field Trips

This semester, our Middle School classes were able to go on three different field trips. 8th-grade went to Williamsburg, 7th-grade went to Wilmington, and 6th-grade went to Asheboro.   8th-Grade Trip The 8th-grade took a trip back in time to Williamsburg, VA. They rode the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry, toured 18th century Colonial Williamsburg, and even got […]

Save Your Spot

Enrollment Is Here  The administration and faculty are excited for the 2022-2023 school year!  Four months ago, the Falcon families got together to celebrate the beginning of a new school year at our Back to School Bash. Since that time, we have watched the littlest Falcons learn their letters and begin reading. The middle and […]

Winter Creative Writing Contest Winners

This quarter at FCS the students had an opportunity to participate in a creative writing contest. With a winner from each section possible, there were only two sections that participated: Elementary and High School. The Elementary writing prompt was “If you could be any animal in the Nativity, which animal would you be? Why?”  Our […]

Christmas at FCS

 The countdown is on here at FCS!  Christmas is just around the corner and our teachers and students are bursting with Christmas excitement.  Creativity has been flowing as the students are working together to create the perfect Christmas wreath for the Ultimate Christmas Wreath Competition.  Our Falcon families will vote online for the top wreaths […]

2021 Exam Schedule

Students are in the home stretch to finishing out the semester!  Study hard students, you are so close to Christmas Break!!!! Please find our exam schedule below.  Semester Exams 2021 Check Here for FAQs

A Thanksgiving Note

Giving is a key part of the word thanksgiving.   We can’t give anything that we don’t already possess.  Unthankful people don’t have any thanks to give.  A sense of entitlement, hearts filled with anger or bitterness, a desire to be our own god; all will keep us from having any thanks to give.   We must […]